Project ROCKET (Response Outline Created for Kids and Endangered Teens)

Project ROCKET (Response Outline Created for Kids and Endangered Teens) is being initiated by the Centennial Lakes Police Department as an effort to better serve households with vulnerable children with special needs, such as autism.

By filling out the ROCKET Packet and returning it to the police department, we will have valuable information on file in case your vulnerable child is missing in the future.  It lets us know instantly a physical description, favorite places they like to hide, whether or not they are verbal, or if they respond to authority, and how best to approach them.

In certain situations, parents of special-needs children freeze up or panic and can't give necessary information to dispatch.  If we have information beforehand, we can react quicker without worrying about delays from parents.

If you have a special-needs child, please download the packet.  If you do not have Microsoft Word and cannot download the packet, simply stop by the police department and we will provide you with one.  Please call the police department if you have any questions regarding this program.
Attached Document or FileClick to download the packet. Please fill out this packet and return it to the police department.
Centennial Lakes Police Department - 54 North Road - Circle Pines, MN 55014
Office: 763.784.2501 - Fax: 763.784.0082 - Dispatch/911: 763.427.1212