Reserve Activities

Are you ready to give back to the community?

The Centennial Lakes PD Reserve Program is looking for ambitious and self motivated volunteers to help better serve the community.


Here are several examples of how fun and important the CLPD Reserve Program has been this past year.

Events Assisted                                                   Trainings

- Lions ice fishing tournament                        - Radio usage

- Easter egg hunts                                            - CPR training

- Several police ride-alongs                             - AED training

- Tree of Life and Lex Fire 5K runs               - Use of force training

- Cropwalk                                                        - Cuffing, ASP, and pepper spray

- Transporting persons/prisoners                   - Skywarn training

- Volunteer at MN Twins game                       - Transporting persons/prisoners      

- Centerville Elementary carnival                   - Animal transports

- Fete des Lacs patrol/events                           - MPROA Reserve Conference

- Anoka County Fair                                        - Anoka County mapping

- Lexington Summerfest                                  - Anoka Co medical examiners tour

- Paul Revere election judges                           - High risk traffic stop/approaches

- CERT scenario training                                 - Report writing

- Safety camp                                                    - Problem Oriented Policing

- Anoka County DWI Task Force                   - Field training

- Lexington July Jubilee                                  - Scenario based decision making

- Good Shepard carnival                                 - Alexandra House presentation

- Night to Unite                                                 

- Centerville Lions haunted house

- Anoka Halloween Parades

-Applications are available under the "Reserve Application" link

-If you have any questions please call 763.784.2501 or email them to

*Must be 18, a high school graduate, and have a clean criminal background                      


Centennial Lakes Police Department - 54 North Road - Circle Pines, MN 55014
Office: 763.784.2501 - Fax: 763.784.0082 - Dispatch/911: 763.427.1212